Kid’s Books Without Borders

Welcome! My name is Gail O’Connor. The purpose of Kid’sBooks Without Borders is to be able to put children’s books (and some young adult and adult books as well) in the hands of children and families living overseas.


When my children were young, they were avid readers (as teens and young adults they still love to read). Our weekly trips to our local public library was always a highlight. We would return laddened with large bags of books. My kids would settle on the couch and read for hours. Having grown up in France, without access to English books, I was thankful for all the books my own children were exposed to and the wide variety of books available to us for free.


I started building my own home library collection of favorites, mostly picking up used copies at thrift stores and garage sales. Then I would spot another copy of Blueberries for Sal or Charlotte’s Web, and I couldn’t pass them up at 25 cents each. Duplicates started piling up. I wanted to be able to share these great books with others. That’s how this ministry started.

I now have available over 2000 books, both picture books and chapter books, fiction and non-fiction, which are available to you at no charge, if you are living overseas. They are all books that I have read and which come highly recommended. I am mostly self-taught, but have read extensively about children’s literature. If you are overwhelmed by choices or do not know what books would be best for your child, please email me. I would love to give you recommendations if you let me know your child’s (children’s) age, gender, reading level and areas of interests.

All the books are free and there is no limit on the number of books you can request. However, I do ask that you pay for postage if shipped to a US address and half of the postage if shipped overseas. The majority of families living overseas ask that I send the books to US-based friends or family. The recipients then deliver them when visiting the person requesting them. This is the least expensive and most reliable way of mailing them.

6 thoughts on “Kid’s Books Without Borders

  1. Gail,

    I’ve shared your blog with two friends who are in other countries. Joani in Papau New Guinea, and Melia in Rwanda! Thank-you for offering this to families everywhere who are far from the states.



  2. What an amazing ministry! Thank you for doing this. As a missionary kid and teacher (both retired and continuing) with a Master’s in reading, I can’t get enough of books. That ‘s how we grew up, too….reading. Our special treat was a trip to the American bookstore once a month. I’m not in a place to take advantage of your offer now, but want to thank you for your ministry as it will make a difference for so many people! May the Lord bless you greatly.


    • Thank you, Charlotte, for your encouragement. There is a great need for books. The response since Marilyn posted a link to my website on her blog (communicatingacrossboundaries) has been overwhelming. I received 8 inquiries just today from families all over the world. I am passionate about children’s books and I am humbled and grateful that God is able to use me in this way. God has also provided families in my community who have donated books and monetarily to help with postage which has also been a gift from God.


  3. Hello. A friend referred me to your website after hearing me lament about my daughters struggle to find something to read. We are missionaries in Uganda and resources are slim, even in this day of technology. We often don’t have great Internet to even download a book to the Kindle. And the other day my daughter said that she wanted to read a ‘real’ book. Who can blame her, I feel the same way. We would love to receive books from you. How do we sign up?


    • Hi Mindi,
      So great to meet you and hear how you heard about my ministry. I love it when friends other overseas workers share my website. I will send you the link to my booklist on librarything via email where you can select books for your daughters. Thanks.


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